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Product: SUDEM5
- Description:
High-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) with a spatial resolution of 5 m
- Metadata:
- Data packaging: The DEM is represented by a 32-bit GeoTIFF (.tif) containing the elevation data;
- No Data value is set to “-9999”
- Projected coordinate system : Lo21 datum based on the Hartebeesthoek94 ellipsoid
- Download Links:
Product: DEMSA2 L1
- Description:
A very high-resolution digital surface model (DSM) with a spatial resolution of 2 m
- Metadata:
- Data packaging: The DSM is represented by a 32-bit GeoTIFF (.tif) containing the elevation data;
- No Data value is set to “-9999”
- Projected coordinate system: LO coordinate system based on the Transverse Mercator projection, with the Hartebeesthoek 1994 used as the datum.
- Download Links:
Product: DEMSA2 L2
- Description:
A very high-resolution digital surface model (DSM) with a spatial resolution of 2 m.
- Editing was performed on the DSM to improve accuracy and remove any possible errors and fix waterbodies
- Metadata:
- Data packaging: The DSM is represented by a 32-bit GeoTIFF (.tif) containing the elevation data.
- No Data value is set to “-9999”.
- Projected coordinate system: LO coordinate system based on the Transverse Mercator projection, with the Hartebeesthoek 1994 used as the datum.
- Download Links:
Product: DEMSA2 L3
- Description:
A very high-resolution digital terrain model (DTM) with a spatial resolution of 2 m.
- At least 95% of all surface features taller than 1.5 are removed from the DSM (DEMSA2 L2) to create the DTM;
- Metadata:
- Data packaging: The DTM is represented by a 32-bit GeoTIFF (.tif) containing the elevation data.
- No Data value is set to “-9999”.
- Projected coordinate system: LO coordinate system based on the Transverse Mercator projection, with the Hartebeesthoek 1994 used as the datum.
- Download Links:
- Description:
Contours derived from a very high resolution digital terrain model (DTM) with a spatial resolution of 2 m.
- Metadata:
- The contours are represented as vector data (shapefile) or in CAD format (.dwg/.dxf).
- Contour interval: # metres
- No Data value is set to “-9999”
- Projected coordinate system : LO datum based on the Hartebeesthoek94 ellipsoid
- CAD Format Download Link (.dwg / .dxf):
- Description:
- FHI is a 5 m spatial resolution index where the classes indicate relative likelihoods of being flooded based on terrain features
- The model showed results with an accuracy of 84% (i.e. the model correctly predicted a specific location’s flood hazard 84 out of 100 times).
- The FHI is represented by four classes namely:
very high (4), high (3), moderate (2) and low (1).
- Metadata:
- The FHI is represented by an 8-bit GeoTIFF (.tif) containing the index classes.
- No Data value is set to “0”
- Projected coordinate system : Lo21 datum based on the Hartebeesthoek94 ellipsoid
- Download Links:
Product: Elevation Model Comparison Packs
- Pack Content:
- Elevation Models covering the same extent for product comparison purposes.
- Location Packages:
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