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GeoSmart API
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GeoSmart API GeoPortal and Direct Access, your gateway to a comprehensive suite of geospatial products tailored to meet the diverse needs of professionals across various industries. Our portal offers a rich collection of high-precision datasets that cover the full extent of South Africa, ensuring you have the right data to analyze and visualize the environment at a very high accuracy .

Discover how the Geosmart GeoPortal can transform your approach to risk management, investment, and planning.

Product NameDescription
DEMSA2 L1Digital Elevation Model of South Africa ~Unedited / Raw
DEMSA2 L2Digital Surface Model of South Africa ~Curated / polished
DEMSA2 L2Digital Terrain Model of South Africa ~Curated
Flood Hazard Index (FHI) derived from DEMSA2Relative Flood Harazrd Index Based on Where Water would pool as a result of the underlying Terrain
Height Above Nearest Drainage (HAND)Height (meters) of each pixel with respect to the nearest stream that it drains to
SAGA DerivativesExplore the 13 available SAGA products below, which offer comprehensive spatial analyses.
SUDEM5Stellenbosch University Digital Surface Model based on SRTM
Topographic Wetness IndexTopographic Wetness Index (TWI) quantifies the potential for water accumulation in a landscape based on the terrain's slope and the amount of upstream contributing area, indicating areas likely to be wetter or drier.
Slope PercentageSlope percentage represents the steepness of terrain, calculated as the vertical rise over the horizontal run, expressed as a percentage.
Flow AccumulationFlow accumulation represents the total number of upstream cells or area contributing water flow to a specific point in a landscape, indicating potential water accumulation areas.
Flood Hazard Index (FHI) derived from SUDEM5Relative Flood Harazrd Index Based on Where Water would pool as a result of the underlying Terrain
Height Above Nearest Drainage (HAND)Height (meters) of each pixel with respect to the nearest stream that it drains to
Rivers - PerenialEuclidean distance to the nearest perenial river based on the classification of rivers from the National Land Cover Classification
Rivers - nonPerennialEuclidean distance to the nearest non-perenial river based on the classification of rivers from the National Land Cover Classification
Natural WbEuclidean distance to the nearest located natural body of water based on the classification of rivers from the National Land Cover Classification
Artificial WbEuclidean distance to the nearest located artificial body of water based on the classification of rivers from the National Land Cover Classification
WetlandsEuclidean distance to the nearest wetland based on the classification of rivers from the National Land Cover Classification
Nearest_DrainageEuclidean distance to the nearest drainage stream based on the classification of rivers from the National land cover calssification
OceansEuclidean distance to the nearest drainage stream based on the classification of rivers from the National Land Cover Classification
Land Capabilitythe most intensive long-term use of land for rainfed farming, determined by the interaction of soil, climate, and terrain factors, with updated spatial data providing a more detailed and precise classification
Soil CapabilityClassification of land based on soil quality, fertility, and its suitability for agricultural purposes, guiding effective land management and crop production practices.
Grazing CapabilityGrazing capability refers to the ability of land to sustain livestock grazing, determined by factors such as soil fertility, vegetation quality, and terrain. It assesses how well an area can support and maintain grazing animals over time, considering aspects like forage production and land degradation.
Terrain CapabilityTerrain capability assesses the suitability of land for various uses based on factors like moisture accumulation, photosynthesis, and terrain sensitivity, influencing plant growth and land accessibility
Climate CapabilityClimate capability is the assessment of an area's ability to support specific crops or land uses based on its climatic conditions, including temperature, precipitation, and seasonal patterns.
Irrigation SuitabilityThe Irrigation Suitability layer, as defined by the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries for South Africa, categorizes land into classes ranging from "Unsuitable" to "Excellent" based on soil properties, water table depth, and slopes, to assess its potential for effective irrigation.
Regional_Farm NamesThe Regional Farms Names layer, defined by the South African Department of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries, provides a raster dataset identifying and naming farms across regions to aid in agricultural planning and management.
Soil PotentialSoil potential evaluates the soil's potential to support agricultural activities by assessing its ability to hold and supply moisture, its sensitivity to land use, and its fertility, resulting in a detailed raster data set representing soil conditions from low to high capability across South Africa.
Majority Soil typeThe Majority Soil Type layer represents the predominant soil classification across a given area, derived from comprehensive spatial modeling and evaluation processes, to provide insights into the dominant soil characteristics influencing land capability and suitability.
SRTM - southern Africa 90mThe SRTM 90m DSM (Digital Surface Model) offers elevation data at a 90-meter resolution, depicting the Earth's surface with both natural and built features, and is used for applications like topographic analysis, hydrological modeling, and geographic research.
ALOS DSM 30mThe ALOS 30m DSM (Digital Surface Model) provides detailed elevation data at a 30-meter resolution, representing the Earth's surface including natural and man-made features, used for various applications such as terrain analysis, flood modeling, and landscape planning.
ALOS DSM 30m-SAGAExplore the 13 available SAGA products derived from the ALOS DSM, which offer comprehensive spatial analyses
SRTM30 SA demDiscover the SRTM30, a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) offering 30-meter resolution elevation data, providing detailed insights into the Earth's surface.
SRTM30 SA hillshadeHillshade is a cartographic technique that simulates the appearance of terrain under specific lighting conditions, using elevation data to create a shaded relief map that highlights the surface's topography and enhances visual interpretation of landforms.
SRTM30 SA ReliefRelief refers to the variation in elevation and terrain features on the Earth's surface, represented in a map or model to show the differences in height and depth, creating a visual impression of the landscape's topographic complexity.
SRTM30_SA- HandHeight (meters) of each pixel with respect to the nearest stream that it drains to
National Veg & Biome Cover The 2018 National Vegetation Map provides detailed information on vegetation cover across South Africa, supporting ecosystem monitoring, biodiversity assessments, and environmental mapping.
SANLC - Land Cover ClassOnly retains certain land cover types, including built-up areas, towns, cultivated lands, mines, and grazing lands, based on the National Land Cover Classification
Municipal Districts/wardsA dataset providing the boundaries of municipal districts and wards across South Africa, crucial for local governance, land management, and regional planning.
Formal Protected AreasRepresents formally protected areas across South Africa, designated for wildlife conservation, biodiversity preservation, and habitat protection.
Informal Protected AreasAreas of informal protection where local or community-based efforts aim to preserve ecosystems, safeguard biodiversity, and manage land use sustainably.
Surface Ground Water (%)A 38-year water coverage layer providing insights into surface water dynamics, flood-prone areas, and changes in water bodies, aiding in hydrological and environmental assessments.
Road networksProvides detailed data on road networks, including municipal roads, to support transportation planning, infrastructure development, and connectivity analysis.
SG - InfoA dataset containing cadastral information, including land parcels and property boundaries, as provided by the Surveyor General, used for legal mapping, land management, and property registration.
Soil Erodibility FactorSoil erodibility is a measure of a soil's susceptibility to erosion, determined by its texture, structure, and organic content, as well as its capacity to resist being detached and transported by erosive forces such as water or wind.
Soil Drainage RateDrainage rate measures how quickly excess water is removed from soil per day. Sandy soils drain faster (about 0.60/day) due to their coarse texture, while clay soils drain slower (0.25 to 0.30/day) because of their finer texture and higher water retention.
Seasonal- Vapour PressureEstimated Actual vapor pressure is the partial pressure exerted by water vapor in the atmosphere, reflecting atmospheric moisture content and typically averaged over seasonal windows or on a monthly scale
Seasonal- Solar Radiation
Solar radiation is the energy emitted by the sun, consisting of electromagnetic waves across a spectrum of wavelengths, and is crucial for driving atmospheric processes, photosynthesis, and evaporation on Earth.
Seasonal- Relative HumidityRelative humidity is the ratio of actual water vapor pressure to the maximum possible vapor pressure at a given temperature, expressed as a percentage and typically analyzed over seasonal windows to assess changes in atmospheric moisture.
Seasonal- Potential EvaporationPotential evaporation is the maximum rate at which water can be evaporated into the atmosphere from a saturated surface, determined by factors such as air humidity, energy availability, and atmospheric turbulence.
StormFlowStormflow refers to the water generated from a specific rainfall event that flows into streams or rivers, influenced by the magnitude of the rainfall, the catchment's size and slope, and the pre-existing wetness of the catchment
Sediment Yieldthe amount of sediment transported by water and deposited in a specific area, typically measured in tons per hectare per year, and is influenced by factors such as rainfall, soil erosion, and land management practices.
SAGA DerivativesDescription
AspectAspect is the compass direction that a slope faces, typically measured in degrees from north, and it influences microclimates and vegetation patterns.
CurvatureCurvature measures the rate of change of slope on a surface, indicating whether the terrain is concave (depressing), convex (elevating), or flat, which affects water flow and erosion patterns.
Distance to Nearest DrainageDistance to nearest drainage measures the shortest distance from a given point on the terrain to the nearest water drainage feature, helping to identify areas of potential water flow and accumulation.
Flow AccumulationFlow accumulation represents the total number of upstream cells or area contributing water flow to a specific point in a landscape, indicating potential water accumulation areas.
Flow DirectionFlow direction indicates the steepest path along which water moves from each point on a surface, typically represented as a grid of arrows pointing downhill towards the direction of water flow.
Flow NetworkA flow network is a spatial representation of the interconnected pathways along which water flows across a landscape, including streams, rivers, and their tributaries, showing how water moves and accumulates through the terrain.
Height Above Nearest Drainage (HAND) 16000 ThresholdHeight (meters) of each pixel with respect to the nearest stream that it drains to measures the vertical distance of each pixel’s elevation from the nearest stream or drainage feature, providing insight into the terrain’s gradient and potential water flow direction, with a threshold of 16,000 meters used to group and analyze pixels based on their relative height and proximity to these streams.
Plan CurvaturePlan curvature measures the rate of change of slope along a contour line, indicating whether the terrain is concave or convex in the horizontal plane, which influences water flow and erosion patterns.
Profile CurvatureProfile curvature measures the rate of change of slope along the direction of maximum slope, indicating whether the terrain is concave or convex in the vertical plane, which affects water flow speed and erosion.
SlopeSlope percentage represents the steepness of terrain, calculated as the vertical rise over the horizontal run, expressed as a percentage.
Stream Network 16000 ThresholdA stream network is a hierarchical system of interconnected water channels and tributaries that drain water from the landscape, with a threshold of 16,000 meters used to group and analyze the flow patterns and connectivity of these channels.
Topographic Wetness Index (TWI)Topographic Wetness Index (TWI) quantifies the potential for water accumulation in a landscape based on the terrain's slope and the amount of upstream contributing area, indicating areas likely to be wetter or drier.

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