Comparison: Height Above Nearest Drainage (HAND) vs Flood Hazard Index (FHI)27/09/2023Derivatives of digital elevation models are ideal for identifying flood-prone areas. For instance, the height above nearest drainage (HAND) derivative shows the height difference between… READ MORE
Showcase: Flood Hazard Index (2)21/06/2023The recent flooding in the Western Cape has caused significant damage, and displaced many people. One of the affected sites is Macassar. More than 120… READ MORE
Showcase: Flood Hazard Index (1)10/05/2023Just over a year ago, the eastern parts of South Africa experienced the most catastrophic flood yet recorded. Apart from the many lives lost, damage… READ MORE
Comparison: Satellite Imagery (1)03/05/2023We like to give credit where it's due, and in this case it goes to NGI. The aerial photography provided by the Chief Directorate: National… READ MORE