Comparison: DEMSA2 Data Formats01/07/2024Elevation data comes in various formats, and we offer them in three main categories: raster (grids), lines (contours), and points. 🔹 Raster We produce our… READ MORE
Comparison: DEMSA2 L1 vs L227/03/2024What is the difference between our DEMSA2 L1 and L2 products? Both are a digital surface model (DSM), but L1 is a raw version straight… READ MORE
Welcome, Rutger!02/01/2024We are happy to announce that Rutger has joined the GeoSmart team as a GeoData Scientist! Rutger will mainly be responsible for DEMSA2 editing and… READ MORE
Showcase: Solar Radiation02/08/2023Our solar radiation product enables you to identify areas with the highest and lowest potential incoming energy from the sun. This is essential for climate… READ MORE
Comparison: Satellite Imagery (2)05/07/2023Our DEMSA 2 product, a digital elevation model at 2m resolution, is being used for a range of applications (including signal propagation modelling for 5G… READ MORE
Showcase: Flood Hazard Index (1)10/05/2023Just over a year ago, the eastern parts of South Africa experienced the most catastrophic flood yet recorded. Apart from the many lives lost, damage… READ MORE
Welcome, Greg!08/02/2023We are happy to announce that Greg has joined the GeoSmart team as a GIS Technician! Greg will mainly be responsible for DEMSA2 editing and… READ MORE
Mapping Soil Texture Using Machine Learning With Terrain Features11/05/2022High resolution soil maps are essential for soil management. It is necessary for applications such as precision farming, environmental remediation, and hydrological modeling. Proper management… READ MORE
DSM2DTM: Now Your See It…now You Don’t02/08/2021After years of frustrating trial-and-error we have finally found a technique to automatically convert digital surface models (DSMs) – generated using optical stereo images (i.e.… READ MORE
A warm welcome to Hanu Mostert01/07/2021We are happy to announce that Hanu Mostert will be joining the GeoSmart Space team! Hanu, a Stellenbosch University honours graduate and current master's student, will be… READ MORE